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Dairycon 2025!

April 11th & 12th, 2025

Preregistration Is Now Open!

Dairyland TransFans FAQ!

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions!

1) What, exactly is DTF?

Put simply, DTF *is* Dairyland Transfans; its a group of local fans deeply rooted in the notion of helping each other out. We Cheeseheads are always giving each other the heads-up on the latest toys to hit the stores in our home state, our individual towns, collection weedings, scammer alerts, you name it! Trading and selling amongst each other, sharing ideas, and information... Dairlyland Transfans. Fans helping fans in our home state. It's that simple.

2) OK then, what is Dairycon??

The Yearly Convention. Where all the CheeseHeads and Mudducks and FIBs come together in harmony to share our passion. Take your typical fan-run show, turn it on its ear, add cheese, and Presto! Your mileage may vary, please see inside for details.

3) How was DTF formed?

By pure luck. The first link was forged many years ago by nothing more than a notecard at a comic shop 60 miles away from civilization. One of us found the card, and made a call! The rest, as they say, is history. We basically stumbled into each other! What a surprise it was to find more than one Transfan in the Moo-state! We've been adding to each other's knowledge (and collections) ever since.

4) What can DTF do for me?

Well, you tell us. What would you like us to do? We're here to help, fellow Wisconsin Transfan! So far, we do the normal things like trade toys and information among ourselves, cueing each other in on new releases of toys, and new shops in WI to go to. And even splitting costs on trips, like to BotCon. If you are in Wisconsin, why not join up! The more, the merrier!

5) Well, what if I am not a Wisconsin Resident?

Simple...move here! It's a beautiful state! Were you a resident at some point? Do your parents live here? Do you have a sister who lives here that you visit once a year? Do you live in a state whose border touches ours? Basically, if you can offer even the most tenous connection to the Moo-state, you're in! :-) So don't be afraid! Drop us a line!

6) Are there Membership Requirements?

Of course not! Well, see the previous question, of course. Just use the join form on the site. Don't forget to tell us whereabouts in our fine state you are! We'll contact you, add your bio to the site, and sign you up to the mailing list. It rocks!

7) What's this I hear about a Membership Card?

The DTF Membership card is a way of rewarding those who are official members of the Dairyland Transfans group. The card is good for discounts at certain local and on-line merchants(simply show them your card at time of purchase locally, or tell them your name and membership number if ordering on-line) The card system is also a way to identify Dairyland members at the Dairycon Convention, in order for them to be able to pick up their exclusive giveaways. More...

8) I have seen the light. I have no further questions.

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The cow symbol, and Dairycon are copyright Dairyland Transfans. All rights reserved. No reprinting whole or in part of images or text without express written permission. All other properties are trademarked to Hasbro Industries.