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Dairycon 2025!

April 11th & 12th, 2025

Preregistration Is Now Closed! (Walk-Ins Welcome! Click here for details!)

DTF Database

Fun things from our neck of the woods.

So what's it like being here? Anything I say would be stereotypical, of course. :-)

You Might be from Wisconsin if... - This is a pretty good test to see if you are true-blue-moo-matrial.

Da Wisconsin Dictionary - This should help solve those pesky communication problems between us and the rest of the world.

Diary of a Snowshoveler - This is why we're driven insane. And you thought it was the cows...

Wisconsin Temperature Conversion Chart - Is it a little nippy in here, or is it just you?

Wisconsin-Approved Hangover Chart - We measure everything around here...

Get the shotgun Ethel, them aliens is back! - A beastwars bovine? Maybe. How appropriate...

The Toy Shop - Crow T Autobot's Hovering Junkyard will be a big hit with monty python fans...

So why the Cow-symbol? - Well, it beat out the other symbol choices we had at the time...

Message from the Midwest - Just a friendly heads-up to you folks driving in from the coast...

In the Future! - Somewhere in Dairyland...

Inspired! - Local Fans make their own Dairycon Universe!

Dairycon Avatars! - Your favorite Dairycon characters as Legendary Icons!

Happy Holidays - A holiday message from Heffer!

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