The Transformers have many untold stories. Dairycon is an alternate universe where Wisconsin transfans and their transformers play. Collected here are the stories and characters that make up this unique chedder-themed universe. Dairycons (as I affectionately call these characters) are the exclusive toys only available at the Dairycon convention.
Dairycon 2025 Exclusives: * - *. Dairycon 2024 Acc Packs: (Special or humorous 'power-up' items that Dairycons need to win!) |
Ongoing Dairycon Exclusives:
Reinforcements from DAIRYCON - Pretender Convoy has called out for Heroes to aid the Dairycons in their BATTLE FOR BREW CITY!! Now you can help! |
Dairycon 2024 Exclusives: FamiComvoy - Merchandise. Crying Little Pisant - Failed Relatable Character. Dairycon Sedan - Missing Link. Retired Jumpstarter - Champion. Dairycon 2024 Acc Packs: (Special or humorous 'power-up' items that Dairycons need to win!)
          | Afishtopass | Magnetar | |
Dairycon 2023 Exclusives: Hover 2A - Ground Assault. Shock Scout - Discarded Weapon. My Pet RockLord - Powerful Living Rock! Headmaster Marsala -Hey, we're part of Robotech, too! Fire Guts Windbreaker - Pull My Finger! Dairycon 2023 Acc Packs: (Special or humorous 'power-up' items that Dairycons need to win!)
          | Random Axe of Kindness | Staff Exclusive | Raw Energy Crystals | |
Dairycon 2022 Exclusives: Armor 3 - Discarded Weapon. Hover 2 - Ground Assault. Roy Foalker - Veritech Pony. Headmaster Scott - Opticlops. H.A.M. (Human Articulated Mecha) - Paramilitary Operations. Two-Fer - Terrible Spy. "What a refreshing nap! I'm totally disoriented, and frothing with hate!" Dairycon 2022 Acc Packs: (Special or humorous 'power-up' items that Dairycons need to win!)
          | Meet the ConCons! | |
Dairycon 2021 Exclusives: Joke-Or - Riot. "Stop me if you've heard this one!" CrackUp - Diversionary Tactician. "So a guy walks into a bar..." Stinkrod - Evil Master of Odors. "Pee-yew!" Lux - Maintenance. "I suck." Bag Man - Storage. "A little dab'll do ya!"
Dairycon 2020 Exclusives: Bonerod - Havoc Inducing Phallic Symbol. "Speak softly, and carry me." The Wintergreen Soldier - Breath Freshener. "You won't chew me up and spit me out!" Dairycon Volks - Vintage Warrior. "5000 to NoChode!" Slam - Beat Stick. "The sound of war... sound of war..." Zombie Roadbuster - Irritant. "Raaahhhh!" Somebody's Mom - Killjoy. "You have enough toys!"
Dairycon 2019 Exclusives: Toiletbot - Anniversary Warrior. "A Clean Toilet is a Happy Toilet!" Tindertron - Matchmaker. "Swipe left!" Logjam - Communications. "Beast Protocol!" Agent Orange - Incompetant Buffoon of the Apocalypse. "I will destroy you all." Dr. "Billy" Jellyfinger - Evil Scientist. "Pull my...too easy." Slam - Beat Stick. "The sound of war... sound of war..." Zombie Roadbuster - Irritant. "Raaahhhh!" Pretender Skeleton - Arch Nemesis of the Hero. "Myah! I'll get you next time!" Arch Nemesis Keldor - Enemy of the Hero. "Tell me of the loneliness of Good... is it equal to the loneliness of Evil?" Zombie Zoom Zoom - Decoy. "Raaahhhh!" Dairycon 2019 Acc Packs: (Special or humorous 'power-up' items that Dairycons need to win!)
          | Skull Cruncher | - | - | - | - | - |- | - | |
Dairycon 2018 Exclusives: Fluffer - Cheerleader. "Things get harder, and it may seem like you can’t take it, but you can! Just open yourself up!" Wipes - Hitchhiker. "Go Hard or Go Home!" HufflePuff - Scavenger. "You're a Wizard, Harry!" Pirate Pete - Peddler. "It would have been great!" WindRaider - Heroic Vehicle. "Additional figures not included!" Stinky Pete - Cheese Maker. "I’m not as bad as I smell – I’m Worse." Raul - Car Thief. "The only crime is getting caught." Duncan - Weapons Master. "Live the journey; for every destination is but a doorway to another." PsyCloneUs - Red Herring. "It would have been Great!" Rainbow Doubloons - Thieving Scallywag. "Yo-ho-ho, and a cube of engex!" Dairycon 2018 Acc Packs: (Special or humorous 'power-up' items that Dairycons need to win!)
          | Pirate Chest | Pirate Coin | Pirate Crown | Pirate Flag | Pirate Map (Flat) | Pirate Map (Rolled) |Pirate Sword | Skeleton Crew | |
Ongoing Dairycon Exclusives:
Reinforcements from DAIRYCON - Pretender Convoy has called out for Heroes to aid the Dairycons in their BATTLE FOR BREW CITY!! Now you can help! |
Dairycon 2017 Exclusives: Gripes - Ornament. "Beware the Red Cow?!" Buffer - Communication Interference. "That’s...a nice…conversation...ya...got...there..." Hangry - Powerstick. "Raargh!" Sin-DerSore - Flamethrower. "Hellfire...and damnation." Dairycon 2017 Acc Packs: (Special or humorous 'power-up' items that Dairycons need to win!)
          | Foot | Cane of Courage | Hand | April | Nemesis with Flight Pack | |
Dairycon 2016 Exclusives: Knight Beat - Human Robot Relations. "I really *am* More than Meets the Eye!" Roadkill - Archaeologist / Peruvian Flute Band Player. "This place smells of Decepticon evil to me, chief. I feel it in my rivets so strongly!" Actually Brawn - Anniversary Warrior. "Might over Microchips." Dairycon 2016 Acc Packs: (Special or humorous 'power-up' items that Dairycons need to win!)
          | Action Head | |
Dairycon 2015 Exclusives: Windbreaker SBD - Crack Patrol "Pull my finger!" Evasion Mode Pickup - Second Generation Consumer. "Huh? What?!" Battle Unicron - Friendly Chaos Bringer. "Proceed on your way to Friendship!" Dairycon 2015 Acc Packs: (Special or humorous 'power-up' items that Dairycons need to win!)
          | Make Anyone PicKup | Make Anyone Sideswipe | Redux | Bad Parts Convention Toy Repair Kit | |
Dairycon 2014 Exclusives:
Bunny Convoy - Field Commander. "I am a sexy beast!" SunBeam GTT - Desert Warfare. "Careful what you touch- you might get burned." Clutterbug - Salvage. "Catch as catch can." Overdrive Convoy - Strategic Flight Commander. "The race is not important; the finish line is." SolarFlare SunBeam - Strategic Ground Commander. "The finish line doesn't matter...if you've been turned to ash." Danger Convoy - Secret Agent. "Blast!" Shining Spider - Espionage Director. "I'm More Than Meets the Fly!" Sew-3PO - Royal Naboo Sewing Droid. "Oh my!" Unreleased Stealth Trooper - . "" CrackUp - Diversionary Tactician. "So a guy walks into a bar..." QuackUp - CrackUp's Avatar. "Stop me if you've heard this one..." Dairycon 2014 Age of Distinction Acc Packs: (Special or humorous 'power-up' items that Dairycons need to win!)           | Brave Ball | Optimus Fry | Vector Sigma Disco Ball | Heffer's Herd | Optimus Sign |           | Dairybot | Dairycon | Target Moo-ster | Brick Cheese | IDW - Improvised Defense Weapon |
          | Ultra Magnet | Optimus Wine| |
Dairycon 2013 Exclusives: Nemesis Heffer - Evil Moo-niverse Counterpart. "Tarnation! This is some Ruff Stuff right here!" PU-R2 ('pewtartoo') - Old Sewing Droid. "Beep." Scoot - Materials Engineer. "Diecast construction...it's a lost art." ReCyKill - High Protector. "Why do they keep killing me off?" Combat Hero - Gladiator. "The jail you planned for me is the one you're going to rot in." Washout - Military Intelligence. "I am NOT an oxymoron!" BatMoo - Heffer's Avatar. "Beware the Red Cow!" My Little Ass-09 - Adorable Harbinger of the Apocalypse. "My Friendship is Magic..." New! Hako-Clone Heffer - It's moo than meets the eye! (More...) Dairycon 2013 Beyond Evil Class Acc Packs: (Special or humorous 'power-up' items that Dairycons need to win!)
          | Aluminum Falcon | Heffer's Hammer | Puzzle-R | |
Dairycon 2012 Exclusives: NeoKnight - Entrepreneur. "I am *not* Robert Downey Junior!" Barn - Houser. "You Couldn't Hit the Broadside of a Brawn!" Cosmoo - Moocher. "Can I borrow 5 bucks? I'll pay you back... honest!" Awesum Possum - Heroic Possum of Justice. "Watch Out, Felonious Ferret! Awesum Possum is Here!" Rally Rhino - Straight Bot and Heroic Sidekick of Justice. "Don't mind me. I'll just stand over here and eat some thistles." Burning Monkey - Groundskeeper. "Laugh! If it matters, I brought presents!" Battle Bat - Battlefield Mortician. "Just pretend to play dead. You aren't pretending? Oh..." The Cracker - Warrior. "Do I really speak with an aussie accent?" Dairycon 2012 Beyond Gouda Class Acc Packs: (Special or humorous 'power-up' items that Dairycons need to win!)
          | Schrapnel | Gears | Future Sparks | Cowpie of Courage | Devas-taters' Balls | Petro-Rabbits | |
Dairycon 2011 Exclusives: Steers - Herder. "YEEE HAWWW!!!" Actionmaster Ravage - Information Broker. "All that's left of me, is what I pretend to be." Electrum Beast (reissue) - Indigestion Agent. "Cheese: the other white meat." New! Paperformers CrackUp - Assemble Your Own! No Class Acc Packs: (Special or humorous 'power-up' items that Dairycons need to win!)
          | Staff Exclusive Cybertonium | Dinner Exclusive Mint in Package | |
Ongoing Dairycon Exclusives: Reinforcements from DAIRYCON - Pretender Convoy has called out for Heroes to aid the Dairycons in their BATTLE FOR BREW CITY!! Now you can help!
          | 2011: WannaBee | 2012: | 2013: | 2014: | 2015: | 2016: | 2017: Ultimate Reveal | |
Dairycon 2010 Exclusives: Uncle Whiskey Breath w/Stormsword Jet - Guardian of the Midwest. "Hey Dere, Cold Enough Fer Ya?" Ticker - Medic. "My Touch is your Remedy." Minerva - Medic. "Head-On!" Pretender Convoy - Dairycon Supreme Commander. "Freedom is the Right of *ALL* Sentient Beings." TestShot - The Apocalypse. "I have Summoned you for a Purpose..." Command Class Acc Packs: (Special or humorous 'power-up' items that Dairycons need to win!)           | Cloak of Cow | Wedge of Doom | Got Energon? | Lasso of Liberty (aka 'Optimus Twine') |           | Optimus Grime | Hat of Heroism | Optimus Rhyme | Optimus Dime | Repair Bear |
          | Stormsword Jet (Red) | Stormsword Jet (Blue) | Optimus Guide | |
Dairycon 2009 Exclusives: DiskPrime - Game. "When do we play the next Game, Ethan?" Ass-09 Donkey of the Apocolypse. "My fellow Cybertonians...."           (Note: Ass-09 is the 2009 Multicon Shared Exclusive!) Pretender MotorMaster - Harbinger of the Apocolypse. "Crush Everyone!" Toiletbot - Warrior. "A Clean Toilet is the Right of All Sentient Beings." Moo Class Acc Packs: (Special or humorous 'power-up' items that Dairycons need to win!)
           | More CowBell 1 | More CowBell 2 | More CowBell 3 | Plunger of Purity | Roll of Conviction | |
Dairycon 2008 Exclusives: Domino - Enforcer "Cross me, and you'll end up sleepin' wit' da fishes." Plothole - Emmisary of Primus. "Heroes aren't Born; They're Made." Spot - Protector. "Ensuring the Safety of the Universe is Job One." Hero Class Acc Packs: (Special or humorous 'power-up' items that Dairycons need to win!)
           | Snowflake of Solidarity | Wedge of Triumph | Shard of Primus | Utensils of Unity | |
Dairycon 2007 Exclusives: Checkers - Urban Surveillance. "I like Humanity. It's people I don't trust." Nachos BelGrande - Leader. "Es Bueno." Wash-out - Military Intelligence. "I am NOT an oxymoron!" Leader Class Acc Packs: (Special or humorous 'power-up' items that Dairycons need to win!)            | Pepper of Purpose | Flag of our Fathers | Sombrero of Siesta | Taco of Leadership |
           | Disk of Montesuma | |
Dairycon 2006 Exclusives: The Leader - Temporal Guardian. "History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it." Flatfoot - Law Enforcement. "Thank you for your cooperation." PinchBottom - Covert Operations. "Pinch Pinch!"
Heffer - Grazer. "Mooo." |
Dairycon 2005 Exclusives: CrackUp - Diversionary Tactician. "So a guy walks into a bar..." BailJumper - Spy. "Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap!" The Stormsword - The ultimate weapon....in the right hands. More...
Ducky - Survivor. "Waaaakkk!!!" |
Dairycon 2004 Exclusives: Bunny Convoy - Field Commander. "I am a sexy beast!"
SunBeam - Desert Warfare. "Careful what you touch; you might get burned." |
Dairycon 2003 Exclusives: Burning Furry Monkey - Ground Commando. His presense is no laughing matter... Clutterbug - Salvage. "Catch as catch-can!"
Scoot - Materials Engineer. "Diecast construction...it's a lost art." |
Dairycon 2002 Exclusives: Campaign Car - Shill Bidder. "c10 case-fresh!"
Electrum Beast - Indigestion Agent. "Cheese, the other white meat." |
Dairycon 2001 Exclusive:
Uncle Whiskey Breath - Guardian of the Midwest. "Hey-dere, cold enough fer ya?" |
Dairycon Campaign Car and Uncle Whiskey Breath square off...
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | |
StormSword Optimus Minor and CrackUp fight over a powerful weapon...
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | |
TimeWars The Dairycon Universe is going to heck in a handbasket...and SunBeam is going to help. |
Crisis on Infinite Cybertrons The epic conclusion to all Dairycon storylines! The Leader has plans.... |
Dairycon Redux Starting over is hard to do... |
A Tasty Defeat!
The Dairycon Universe goes online! |
A Dairycon Xmas
Electrum Beast gives us the greatest gift of all! |
The Dairycon Universe ends up in the Toilet. |
PlotHole Dairycons must find the StormSword, or Defensis Dies! |
The Last Dairycon!
Seeking help from a familiar ally. |
The Myth behind the Moo Deciphering the secret of Uncle Whiskey Breath |
The Myth behind the Moo: Hook, Line and Kugel The Story of the Dairycon BrewMasters! |
Pretender to the Throne Motormaster has just one thought about Spot: Revenge!! |
Battle For Brew City!
Somewhere in Dairyland... |
Battle for Brew City: Checkers!
The Battle Rages on! |
Return of Convoy! The true and final end of the Dairycon Universe!! |
Introducing the Dairycons!
Moo?! |
Changing Steers: The Rise of ElCowMeno! The Return of the Mexicons! |
Changing Steers: The Adventures of Tarmac! An epic Quest to find Everything! |
In The Future!
Will Toasters Take Over the World? |
Dairycon 2040: Erect and Proud! The Future is Now!
| Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Epilogue | |
Dairycon 2040: Project Earth!
The Leader Reveals All! |
Dairycon 2040: Blackrock!
Billionaire? Sell Out? YOU Decide! |
Dairycon 2040: Neoknight Adventures!
G.B. upgrades to 80.5! |
Dairycon: The Moo-vie!
Beyond Gouda... |
Battle for Brew City: Flatfoot!
Can this Dynamic Duo Save the Day? |
Shattered! The Dairycon Moo-niverse
| Introduction | Prelude | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | |
Battle for Brew City: Optimus Wine
Save the Universe? Don't Get me Started... |
MOO: Super Best Wonderful Lovely Transformation Change!
Because Sentient Shape-changing Robots are The Future |
The Adventures of Action Head! |
Dairycon 2050 | Prologue | Chapter 1: MooCross: Do You Remember Cud? |
| Chapter 2: Genesis Climber Moospeada | Chapter 3: Moocross: Moo Generation! | |
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